I just don't know what to do with myself.

The days have shortened and it's colder than a witches boob. I work until six and don't get home until half past. That's no time at all to get into the garden this time of year. I have thought about investing in a miner's helmet to help me see in the dark, but I worried what the neighbours will think.  What can I do to help me pass the time? What do other gardeners do this time of year?


We've juz come thru winter & as we dont have snow...can manage to rug up & brave the conditions most of the time.. but normally juz read lotz magazines & books for new ideas plan crops for the summer sort out my seed catalogues & decide to change the whole garden around....again... especially rose catalogues & all the prep that goes into those in Winter.. have to say think I luv Winter the best...able to do soo much more here & soo much better than our heat & humidty of Summer...ewww & its on it way now....in Aussie
Anonymous said…
Humorous. Love to see you in the miner's helmet. I too get home way too late and the garden just kinda exists on neglect this time of year.

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